Sunday, June 22, 2008


First of all, thanks to everyone for the supportive and encouraging words! Sorry I didn't get to update sooner, no internet access until now!
Sooooo, it was AWESOME! I am still on cloud 9! My goal was "to just be under 2 hours" (funny, when I signed up about 3-4 weeks ago, my goal was "just to finish"), well, I did it in 1:46:22!!!!! That includes 2 stops at the port-o-john! I was amazed at how much I did NOT have to walk! I stuck with my plan of walking about 10 feet before each water station and then walking through it while I drank, then picking up my run again after that. I did have to walk a few extra times between the 8 mile marker up to about 9.25, but overall, WAY less walking than I would have ever thought!

I did notice that around mile 4 I started to feel really comfortable, that feeling stayed around until about mile 8, then it was a little more difficult, but it was never out of control. Every step I took beyond Mile 8 I kept thinking "this is the farthest I have ever run" (until this weekend my longest run ever was last week - 8 miles). It was an amazing feeling!

Crossing the finish line was awesome! My friend Charlene was there taking pictures and my friend Greg was waiting just past the finish line, it was so cool to have them both there!


Aron said...

YAYYYYYYYYY congrats!!! awesome job! you are in the double digits now :)

love the purple top too!

Anonymous said...

You did awesome!! Your time is great too, especially with 2 stops. There is no stopping you now. You can do anything you set your mind to.

Anonymous said...

Great job!

Jess said...

CONGRATS!!! I'm so glad you did so well. You totally rocked it.

It was a warm day out there and I'm glad you were able to finish strong even with it being so sunny!

I don't think I saw you cross the finish line though (not that I would have known it was you at the time lol!)

Congrats on a great race!

teacherwoman said...

Congrats on your race! You totally rocked it and it sounded like you really enjoyed it! That's the key!

Christine said...

hey girl! Way to rock out the ten miler!!!! Thanks for stoppin by my blog. You are welcome anytime! Good luck marathon training...such an exhilarating process. You will do great!

Erin Leigh said...

Good for you! I think your time is fantastic for it being your first time running that far. Great job!!

Words of Wisdom

"Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing will disturb your peace of mind.
See the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
Think only of the best, work only for the best and expect only the best.
Forget about the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
Spend so much time on the improvement of yourself that there is no time to criticize others.
Live in the faith that the whole world is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in you."
~ Chistian Dior

"Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do."
- Dr. Spock

"Fall in love or fall in hate. Get inspired or be depressed. Ace the test or flunk the class. Make babies or make art. Speak the truth or lie and cheat. Dance on tables or sit in the corner. Life is divine chaos. Embrace it. Forgive yourslef. Breathe. And enjoy the ride. "
- Solbeam