Who's got a Garmin? Which model do you have? If $$ was no issue which one would you get (I've got a couple gift cards!!)?
I'm not sure which model to get so I'm looking for any and all input!
Friday Funny 2417: Fitness Funnies
20 hours ago
I have a Garmin 205 ad love it. The 305 has a heart rate monitor, but if you aren't going to use it I would go with the 205.
While it may look big and chunky, it can be easily read. I also have tiny wrists and was a bit worried about lugging that thing around, but is pretty comfortable and doesn't feel bulky. It is easy to use as well.
Yeah, I think I have the 105, which is a monster and anything is better than that machine! It does it's job, but it is very wide and rubs the wrist. I agree with d10, if you already have a heart rate monitor or don't want one, go with the 205.
I just stopped using mine because the only reason I was using it was to get the distance, I didn't care about anything else. Then I came across maymyrun.com and calculated my distances there.
I hope this is of some help!
i have the 205 and LOVE it! i didnt feel the need for the heartrate monitor... the 405 is awfully cute but $$$
Thanks all, I got the 205 and can't wait to use it!!!!!!!
I just got a 205 for Father's Day, so I haven't had a chance to break it out yet. Looking forward to really taking it for a test drive this weekend that is if I can figure the thing out!
I have the 305. I love it, but it's big. Hope you enjoy yours. It's fun to see your improvements with it!
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